Friday, 9 October 2015

Smart New Innovations To Boost The Email Marketing Industry

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Is “email marketing” the first word that pops into your mind when you talk about innovation? Guess not. This is because many people consider email marketing as tedious. We mostly think about mobile technology or social media when the topic of innovation comes up. But the fact is that the email marketing industry has been rapidly evolving in the past 15 years and has experienced a lot of impressive innovations. During the last 2 years specifically a number of prominent advances have taken email marketing from tedious to cutting edge. Read on...

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During the initial years of emailing, the email marketing services were developed to send and deliver simple messages and newsletters as well as to effectively manage subscribers. As different email marketing companies emerged and the industry evolved, these businesses introduced new features and functions such as auto-responders that enables users to automatically send a number of emails in a specific sequence, right at the moment an event occurred, like a new user signed up. Today, most of the mid and small sized businesses utilize very basic services to implement email marketing efficiently.

Age of Marketing Automation

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Even though you might have heard about marketing automation before as it is not a new concept, this has gained credible prominence in this field fairly recently. With marketing automation, you can track the behavior of each subscriber and send them the most suitable messages which will not only transform him to a loyal customer, but bring in more business.

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The notion that marketing automation promotes is valid as it claims that each individual subscriber gets interested in unique and different services and products. Moreover, every person is at a different zone of the buying cycle at any given moment. Hence, when you send different email messages to each subscriber, you boost your chances of conversion. When you use a marketing automation software, it studies and learns from the emailing habits of subscribers and then delivers a more targeted and appropriate message to them that boost conversions.

Keith Hearn of recently wrote

“Compared to email marketing services, marketing automation has a very small market share. Main reasons is that it is highly priced for small business and it’s complicated and difficult to use.”
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In case an organization wishes to utilize marketing automation, then the business leaders will need to gain adequate knowledge regarding email marketing and invest sufficient time on it. 

Hearn added
“Until now, most innovation in the email marketing industry were around the software. The latest innovation I’ve seen focuses on the creation of the content.”

Era of Newsletter Content Automation

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Newsletter content automation companies focus on content generation and integrates with email marketing companies to deliver newsletters. 

Keith Hearn claims that such companies bring

“the content from the web and from Twitter. Then it specifies how many times each article has been shared on social media. This information gives users good information on what’s the best content and lets them create quickly a newsletter.”

The Bottom Line

It's true that in the past 15 years, the email marketing industry has seen some impressive innovations, but experts believe that in the coming years many more are expected come forward. Email marketing is the one of the most efficient ways to successfully convert prospective clients to loyal customers.
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How are you using email marketing for your business? Feel free to add to the discussion by share your views and opinions below.

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