When a marketer decides to go for email marketing campaign, there are several serious issues which they have to sort out. Most email marketing these days do not meet its deadlines or falter midway because of unavailability of a dedicated mail server.
A dedicated mail server helps you in many ways. First and foremost is that it maintains a positive reputation of IP that helps email marketers carry out hassle-free emailing.
Most email marketers face difficulties due to a weak and ineffective IP address. Majority of the problems occur while sending emails in bulk quantity. These common problems are related to the failure or delay in email deliveries.
So, if you are facing similar kind of difficulties with your email marketing campaign, a dedicated and reliable mail server can fix such problems. Simple mail Transfer Protocol, in short SMTP, is one such mail server that offers high quality features and services.
Now, you will like to take a look at the features of dedicated mail server, here are a few.
Image courtesy: bit.ly/11eJdrs |
Dedicated Individual IP: It is a fact that a strong and positive IP address brings success to your email marketing campaign. A dedicated IP address benefits the email marketers by improving the search engine optimisation potential. On the other hand, if you are managing many websites on single IP address, Google considers it as spamming and it might have a negative impact on all the websites of yours.
RBL Express and feedback: You can check if your IP is blacklisted by using RBL check and get the instant feedback. It is advised to check the bounce messages soon after it has been relayed.
Blacklists de-listing: If your IP address or domain name is blacklisted by the ISP, send a blacklists de-listing request to them. A dedicated mail server will always help you in this regard.
Server with high speed: If you are finding it tough to relay emails in quick time, a dedicated mail server will offer high speed connection to relay quick messages.
Authorize login of SMTP: The SMTP authentication is needed to validate the sender. An authenticated sender finds it easy to connect and transmit emails to clients.
Image Courtesy: bit.ly/13KCWY9 |
Similarly, a dedicated mail server offers different other features to the email users. It does not only make emailing smoother and hassle free but brings an over-all growth to the business endeavours.
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