If you're a small business, a start up, or new to e-mail marketing, you may not be in a position to invest a large amount of money for it. Here are some pointers that will help you get the best of e-mail marketing without breaking the bank.
Image Courtesy:bit.ly/10hfaie |
- CONTENT: Content is king. No matter what anyone says, the content of your e-mail is extremely important, if not considered the most important part of your e-mail marketing campaign. Whatever you place as content must be clearly understandable. Don’t include unnecessary fluff. And it goes without saying that it should be edited and proofread to make sure there are no grammatical errors or spelling mistakes and definitely no typos.
- GRAPHICS: Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words but cramming your e-mail with images will only land you in the junk folder. Include only relevant messages and leave enough white space. Also don’t send e-mails with pictures only. Add a few lines of description or explanation with every picture you include unless it happens to be the logo of the company.
- COST OF THE CAMPAIGN: With constant budget cuts in every department, it is naive to assume that the marketing section won’t be hit. An affordable email marketing solution is acquiring a dependable SMTP provider. This move will help you send across your e-mails in bulk, but at affordable rates. Also you will be provided with statistical reports about you e-mail delivery and feedback which will help you plan the next steps in your campaign.
- DEFINE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE: There is absolutely no point in sending a dog lover and owner information about cat food or kitten grooming. Carefully decide on who is your target audience and create your mailing list accordingly.
- REACHING THE INBOX: After all the hard work invested in creating the e-mail, it is important that it actually reaches the inbox and not the spam folder of your intended recipient. Avoid using all caps in the subject line and stay clear of words and symbols that scream spam. You can also request your e-mail recipient to add you to their contact list. This will free your communication from being flagged as spam.
- GETTING PERMISSION TO E-MAIL: Permission to e-mail your client is like making and appointment and then calling them instead of cold calling. When a client visits your site, have a visible call to action button that asks them to subscribe to your newsletters and promotion e-mails. Don’t forget to include an unsubscribe option too.
- NOT GETTING BLACKLISTED: Your IP address it tracked when you send an e-mail. This is the same when you send e-mails in bulk. If your communication automatically keeps being flagged as spam over a period of time or if many recipients declare your mail to be spam your IP address may be blacklisted.
Image Courtesy: bit.ly/11D7U1N |
As you can see, these factors will result in not only a successful, but an affordable e-mail campaign. So keep these lucky seven points in mind and make your campaign successful.
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